[PRO] Access Booking request history

You can access the history of all booking requests received on Wingly with their status.
List of possible statuses for a booking request:
- Pending: These are booking requests awaiting a response from you within 48 hours of receipt.
- Accepted: These are booking requests that you have accepted.
- Refused: These are booking requests that you have refused.
- Expired: These are booking requests that you haven't responded to within 48 hours.
- Cancelled by passenger: These are booking requests canceled by passengers.
- Date offer accepted: These are booking requests for which you have proposed another date which has been accepted by the passenger.
- Date offer refused: These are booking requests for which you have proposed another date which has been refused by the passenger.
- Date offer expired: These are booking requests for which you have proposed another date and the passenger has not responded within 48 hours.
- Passenger action required: These are booking requests for which you have proposed an alternative date and which have not yet received a response from the passenger.
Here is the procedure to access the history of reservation requests:

You also have the possibility, within the history, to filter by status, aircraft or even by date of the requested flight.

You do not have the ability to access passenger details for past requests, indeed we hide the contact details when the request is no longer effective. However, you can chat with passengers using Wingly messaging if needed.

If you have any questions you can contact us directly at
tower@wingly.io or by phone on +447708405306. We are available from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:30.
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