Payment with gift card
Your gift card will be automatically credited back with the full amount and extended if necessary, ensuring it remains valid for at least an additional 6 months.
Payment with PayPal or credit card
The paid amount will be credited to you in the form of a gift card, which is valid for one year and can be extended in 6-month periods. The balance will be immediately credited to your Wingly account. You can use it for a new booking and view or manage your gift card anytime under "My Gift Cards" in your profile.
Combined payment (gift card + PayPal or credit card)
The amount used from your gift card will be credited accordingly and extended for at least 6 months, ensuring its validity. Additionally, the amount paid via PayPal or credit card will be credited to you in the form of a gift card, valid for one year and extendable. Both gift cards can be used together for your next booking.